Update January 2019: The Social Media Coordinator role has been filled. If you’re interested in the Display Coordinator role, please contact us!
We need your help! We have two positions vacant on the Halton BFI Executive Committee! We are on the hunt for a Display Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator. If you think you fit one of the role descriptions below, please email us!
Display Coordinator
Organizes (and ideally stores) indoor and outdoor displays and life-size breastfeeding cutouts.
Plans, prepares, delivers and collects displays for events and initiatives.
Seeks opportunities for HBFI promotion.
Coordinates with Event Manager to organize displays at events.
Requires use of a personal vehicle that can accommodate displays, including life-size cutouts to deliver and collect displays.
Requires the ability to carry displays.
Leads workgroup when new displays are necessary (including obtaining quotes, liaising with vendor, preparing and leading design collaboration between the vendor and workgroup).
Social Media Coordinator
Manages Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Collaborates with HBFI members to develop media strategies that provide breastfeeding education and support through the Halton BFI Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
Creates and publishes posts/tweets frequently on HBFI social media platforms.
Coordinates with Event Manager and Website Coordinator to promote events and initiatives.
Provides social media report to group at monthly meetings (if unable to attend monthly meeting, provides an update to executive via email for sharing at meeting).
Provides social media report and project reports as appropriate at HBFI AGM annually.